about us

In 2016, after 3 years of military service, Rabbi Eliyahu Gutman together with his wife Nechama decided to establish ‘Ezer Lachayal – ‘Aid to the Soldiers’.

The organization concentrates on projects of giving, assisting, and strengthening the morale of the fighters and soldiers throughout the year as well as on Israeli holidays. This takes place at the bases and all over the country.

In this difficult time of war, we opened from day one, a large and professional war room with over 500 volunteers from all kinds of Jewish people, a digital CRM system, a human and digital call center with dozens of telephones, 3 emergency warehouses and a military intelligence center that centralizes all our tremendous activity during the war. The organization provides physical and spiritual equipment in full working coordination and according to the requirements of the security forces and the needs of the evacuated families.

Since the beginning of the war, we have been prepared with a huge fleet of 90 drivers and trucks that take care of and provide:

Various tactical military equipment, warm clothing, dry food and cooked food, hygiene supplies and toiletries, electronic equipment, sleeping equipment, tents and generators, drinks and treats.

The highlight of our massive activity is the ‘mobile laundry truck’. We transport it every day to the large gathering areas and to the small outposts in the north and south, with the aim of bringing a feeling of home to the field. The soldiers enjoy washing their clothes and are excited by the soft and clean feeling. Also, at the same time, we hold ‘mass barbecue events’ in the field. The soldiers pamper themselves and dine comfortably. They even have a mass charging station for their mobile devices.

Needless to say we make them happy, dance with them and raise the morale, so that they can serve faithfully and know that they have the full backing of our people.

This organization has a proper management permit and also has Article 46 for donations.



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